
Shoutmon DX [BT5-019] [Battle of Omni]

Digimon による
元の価格 $0.13 - 元の価格 $0.25
$0.13 - $0.25
現在の価格 $0.25
Set: Battle of Omni
Card type: Digimon
Rarity: Super Rare
Digi type: Composite
Play Cost: 13
Form: Mega
Attribute: Data
Digivolve Cost: 6
Digivolve Cost Level: 6
[When Digivolving] [Blitz] (This Digimon can attack when your opponent has 1 or more memory.) [When Digivolving] You may place 1 red Digimon card from your hand at the top of this Digimon's digivolution cards. Then, for each [OmniShoutmon] or [ZeigGreymon] in this Digimon's digivolution cards, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 5000 DP or less.