
Sinduramon [EX5-050] [Animal Colosseum]

Digimon による
元の価格 $0.13 - 元の価格 $0.25
$0.13 - $0.25
現在の価格 $0.25
Set: Animal Colosseum
Card type: Digimon
Rarity: Common
Digi type: Holy Bird/Deva
Play Cost: 7
Form: Ultimate
Attribute: Data
[Decoy "[Deva] or [Four Sovereigns] trait"] [On Play] [Draw 1]. Then, you may play 1 [Deva] trait Digimon card without the same name as the cards in your battle area or trash from your hand to an empty space in your breeding area without paying the cost.
[Opponent's Turn] While this digimon has the [Four Sovereigns] or [God Beast] trait, it gains [Blocker].