
Spanish For Everyone

原价 $9.99 - 原价 $9.99
$9.99 - $9.99
现价 $9.99
  • Language Learning:

    • Offers lessons and activities to help players learn and practice Spanish.
  • Vocabulary Building:

    • Focuses on expanding vocabulary through interactive exercises and challenges.
  • Grammar Lessons:

    • Includes lessons on Spanish grammar rules and structures.
  • Pronunciation Practice:

    • Provides tools for practicing correct pronunciation through speech recognition or interactive exercises.
  • Cultural Insights:

    • Incorporates cultural information to provide a holistic understanding of the Spanish language and its usage.
  • Progress Tracking:

    • Allows players to track their language-learning progress and achievements.
  • Quiz and Challenges:

    • Includes quizzes and challenges to reinforce learning and assess language proficiency.
  • Interactive Conversations:

    • Simulates interactive conversations to enhance real-world language application.
  • Visual and Auditory Learning:

    • Utilizes visual aids, audio clips, and interactive elements to cater to different learning styles.
  • Portable Language Learning:

    • Takes advantage of the Nintendo DS's portability for on-the-go language learning.